Quantum Initiatives

ScienceAtHome is involved in a number of quantum initiatives around Europe. The goal of these initiatives is to expand quantum interest and competence in Europe’s burgeoning quantum future. Through involvement in these initiatives, we aim to expand quantum education and outreach both inside the classroom and out.

Quantum Technology Education CSA 

The Quantum Flagship is a €1bn funded project expanding the EU’s Quantum Technology efforts over the next decade. Alongside this rapid development, it critical to support the emerging quantum-capable workforce through education. This is the goal of the QTEdu Coordination and Support Action. We are coordinating the community building efforts of this project, a network of over 330 members which contains working groups spanning outreach, high school, university, and industry education initiatives. There are also 11 ongoing pilot projects exploring innovative approaches to widening access to Quantum Technology education.  

Contact Simon (simon.goorney@phys.au.dk) for more information.

ERC Proof of Concept

The ScienceAtHome team has received support to understand and develop quantum education and training at the intersection of university and corporate needs from the European Research Council (ERC).

Read more here.



Marie Skłodowska-Curie Training Network: QuSCo

We are involved in a Marie Skłodowska-Curie training network on Quantum-enhanced Sensing via Quantum Control (QuSCo).

Read more here.



Quantum Future Academy 2020

We are coordinating the Danish and Italian selection processes for the Quantum Future Academy 2020 in Berlin.

Read more here.


