Quantum Games

As part of our efforts in quantum education and citizen science, we have a number of games either made or in development. These games lower the barrier of entry into the quantum world by giving everyone the capability to contribute to quantum research. Read more about each game below, try them out and have fun!

Quantum Moves 2

In Quantum Moves 2, players help researchers to solve and understand real problems in cutting-edge quantum research. In the game, players can find and optimize their solutions to the scientific problems. This helps us to determine both what problems players are best at solving and the strategies they use to tackle them. The current version of the game is a web-based application, and the optimizer does not work. We are hoping to fix this soon to bring back the full QM2 experience.




Lab Manager

We are currently developing and testing the Lab Manager, a game that puts the player in the role of a professor at ScienceAtHome University. The player must manage their lab, hiring students, writing grants, and choosing what cool new technologies they research. While doing this, the players learn about the physics behind these technologies. Can you reach the final goal of putting cold atoms into space?




Quantum Pattern Matching Game

As part of our research into how gamified interfaces can help novices and experts explore quantum challenges, we have built the Quantum Pattern Matching Game. In this game, players have the difficult task of classifying images from a quantum gas microscope like the one we have in our lab at Aarhus University. By understanding how humans classify these images, we can explore how humans think about complex problems in physics.

Network Game

In the Network Game, players manipulate the nodes in a complex, interconnected network of quantum spins with the goal of minimizing the energy of the system. This problem is an example of an NP-hard problem - it’s easy for a computer to verify that a given solution is correct but very difficult for the computer to find the optimal solution. With this game, we hope to understand how humans work through such NP-hard problems!


The Rydbergator is part game, part simulator. Using the physics of extremely large Rydberg atoms, players can explore a hexagonal grid. If an atom is excited to a Rydberg state, no other atoms can live within a certain distance of the Rydberg atom. This allows for extremely interesting atom behavior. What patterns can you make? Can you capture your opponent’s flag?
