Jobs at

Would you like to become part of an international team of programmers, academics, designers and games industry professionals collaborating to build a universe of citizen science games? Would you like to help build games and educational entertainment that aims at bringing science to the living room, and citizens to the science lab? Are you passionate about games, science and technology?

At ScienceAtHome we're a growing team. Come and join us.


Are you looking for an internship to kick-start your career? At ScienceAtHome we're open to fostering new talent, both scientific and creative. With numerous projects taking place, contact us to find out if your skills are a good match with ours.

Projects can be research internships, bachelors, and masters thesis projects. A bachelors or masters thesis project can be more independent and research-based whereas a research internship can be more task-based with closer guidance and supervision. Internships can range from 5-10 hours a week to full time.

All questions should be directed to: Janet Rafner, Director of Learning.

Physics-related work

For a list of possible student projects in Physics please refer to the information on Bachelor and Master's Projects here.

All Physics related questions should be directed to: Carrie Weidner, Postdoctoral Research Assistant and Head of Physics Education.

We currently have calls for: 

Topic 1: Citizen Psych Science
To properly evaluate and improve our ScienceAtHome projects we must have a well-defined framework, typology, and criteria for Citizen Psych-Science based on research and group discussions.
You will assist in literature search and review, present findings of your theoretical research at stimulating group discussions, share your ideas, deeply engage with the theoretical foundations of our work while helping to advance them.

Topic 2: HCI and educational tools
We are working on an interactive, dynamic, and malleable digital tool to facilitate knowledge, co-creation and deep engagement with scientific research in both informal and formal educational settings.
You will work in close collaboration with the developer and an interdisciplinary team of researchers to help in defining user-centered ideas, then translate them for implementation in the actual product.

Topic 3: Creativity Games
We are producing a suite of creativity research games to further unfold and measure various aspects of creativity.
You will assist in literature search, formulate creative experimental designs, and share your soon-to-be-acquired knowledge with others. You will learn to combine theoretical insights within product development and contribute to a project with high value for society.

Topic 4: Understanding and mapping 21st-century skills
We intend to create a sophisticated hierarchical process map of selected complex skills (for instance but not limited to empathy, creativity, and cooperation) through the lenses of education, cognitive science, creativity, and search (AI). Second, we move toward creating an open-source framework allowing a Citizen Science-based assessment (and measurement) of these skills. Finally, this work will lead us to develop gamified training modules combining insights from various fields to train and upskill for the future.

Topic 5: Behavioral Economics and SDGs
You will explore behavioral economics in relation to the SDGs and utilize the SAH games on collective resource distribution to augment the Smithsonian Science For Global Goals learning modules. You will assist in the literature search and review, present findings of your theoretical research stimulating group discussions, share your ideas, and deeply engage with the theoretical foundations of our projects and games while helping to advance them.

Topic 6: Developing digital tools for Hybrid Intelligence
With the advent of AI, one of the greatest challenges facing humanity is developing hybrid-intelligence (HI) interfaces that optimally combine algorithmic power with distinctly human skills.
We began exploring hybrid intelligence within Quantum Moves 2 and are seeking to expand this trend. Features will include suggesting tools based on the individual level of exploration/exploitation in creative problem solving, personalized in-game messages and overall adaptations to the user interface. Additionally during this project, one would be researching the most complex cutting edge human-algorithmic interactions.

Topic 7: Skill Lab: Large scale gamified cognitive profiling
As part of this project you will help to advance our work through the following: 1) assist in the literature search and review 2) present findings of your theoretical research, and 3) participate in lively group discussions. In this project, you will have the opportunity to learn about how psychology and game design are linked, and how cognitive skills can be evaluated by using video games. You will be participating in meetings regarding psychology, game design, and game development.

Topic 8: ReGAME: Research-Enabling Game-Based Education
Based on educational material developed around our citizen science games we have introduced a novel educational paradigm, ReGAME. Your contribution to this project will be helping with the translation of interviews and qualitative data analysis. In this project, you will have the opportunity to learn more about didactics and education, as well as learning and practicing qualitative data analyses of semi-structured interviews.
